Within Xama it is possible to visualise the ownership structure for companies registered at Companies House.This visualisation can be accessed when creating a client, or via the Companies House button present on any client record of type “Company”.

The visualisation provides a quick overview of officers directly connected to the company, as well as persons of significant control. Where an ownership structure contains one or more holding companies, as seen in the above example, the graph will illustrate this through a connected series of ownership records.
The graph is colour coded as follows:
Red – Officers directly connected to the company
Blue – Persons or entities with significant control, either directly or indirectly linked to the company
Yellow – Corporate entities with significant control not registered with companies house
It is important to note that the visualisation only represents data as is recorded at Companies House. The ownership of any corporate entity not registered with Companies House will not be displayed. Highlighting these entities in yellow will allow you to distinguish these easily, and you should take care to determine the beneficial ownership in an alternative way.